Disney Pixar’s Lightyear was banned from certain countries over depictions of a same-sex relationship.The animated movie has found itself become a controversial topic in several Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, over a kissing scene.Hollywood hunk Chris - who voices Buzz Lightyear in the movie - branded the powers behind the countries 'idiots' as he admitted feeling there will always be people who are 'afraid' to move forward in life.Speaking to Reuters he said: 'The real truth is those people are idiots.'Every time there’s been social advancement as we wake up, the American story, the human story is one of constant social awakening and growth and that’s what makes us good.''There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before.'Chris, 41, then explained that he feels the best stance is to ignore the opinions of anyone who is still shunning inclusivity.He continued: 'I think the goal is to pay them no mind, march forward and embrace the growth that makes us human.'It’s tough to not be a little frustrated that it even has to be a topic of discussion.